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Welkom bij de Nederlandse documenten en notities van Nuno Marques. — Welcome to the Dutch documents and notes by Nuno Marques.


Here you can find all the documents I've been studying and writing, to help me to achieve my goal of becoming a Dutch speaker. It will be a long journey! But by making this content publicly available, I hope it can help you as well in your learning journey.

In my personal approach, I start to watch a video or any source of Dutch content and make my own notes with on a sheet of paper. From there on, I make that content "digital" on this platform; on this step, I still fix a few typos and I have another chance to memorize those words. Then, I still read everything again, and I have another opportunity to get that content.

I made this platform for myself. I really believe it will help me when I need to get a few dialog examples to start a "face to face" conversation in person. It's simple as getting out the smartphone and looking into my Dutch notes, in my hand.


All this content is available (for free) on-line. On each single page there is, at the bottom of the page, a link to the source of that page's content. If somebody has any concern about any kind of content here shared, please let me know.

Where to Start

To start exploring the documents, feel free to explore the sidebar and select your desired content. On each main category/topic, you will find a index for all the available sub-pages.